Choose a keypress other than the colon ':' to switch to command line mode in vi

Is there a way to achieve this remapping? I looked a little at






but they seem to affect in a given mode, not how to enter a given mode.


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2 answers

You can use nmap

for example

:nmap ; :


to compare the semicolon in the colon . "N" in nmap

indicates normal mode.

If you want to use a function key <F2>

, for example, to enter command line mode from insert mode, you can do:

:imap <F2> <Esc>:


Here is a comprehensive 3 part tutorial on key mappings in vim here .



To go to rphv's answer , you can swap functionality :

for a different key using nnoremap

. For example, if you want to use ;

instead :

to enter command line mode, you can do this:

nnoremap ; :
nnoremap : ;


This has the advantage that you do not lose functionality ;

. If you tried to do the same with nmap

, like this:

nmap ; :
nmap : ;


none of them will work because of the recursive definition.



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