Angular 2 resolve base path from root instead of current path when using templateUrl

I have an Angular 2 app and I am using the old one templateUrl

to load an HTML template from a url on the same server.

templateUrl: '/components/directive/directive.html'


I am on the path /loaded/path/

where my directive is being loaded.

It worked fine in Angular 1, but in Angular 2 it throws this error

Could not resolve the url /components/directive/directive.html from
    at new BaseException (
    at UrlResolver.System.register.execute.UrlResolver.resolve


I suppose one solution is to add ../../

templateUrl: '../../components/directive/directive.html'


but what if i'm at /some/other/loaded/path

where i use my directive

Is there a way to tell Angular 2 to resolve the path from the root and not the current path?


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