Vatir - drag not working
I need to check some functionality where I need to drag and drop some UI elements.
I tried to do it on this page :
browser.divs(:class => "column")[-2].drag_and_drop_on browser.divs(:class => "column")[-3]
In chrome, I don't see anything happening. In firefox, I can see that the mouse button is not working, but nothing else happens - the element hasn't moved. I tried on other pages as well and it never worked.
I've also tried this workaround (which is recommended across multiple threads) and it doesn't work either:
my_element = browser.divs(:class => "column")[-4]
target = browser.divs(:class => "column")[-3]
driver = browser.driver
I am using ruby 1.9.3 on mac. I also tried ruby 2.1.5 on windows and the result was the same.
Is there a way to drag and drop using watir?
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1 answer
This is what ultimately got him to work (not a fantasy at all, but he did it for me):
# monkey patch for webdriver: copy and paste in IRB
module Selenium
module WebDriver
class ActionBuilder
def drag_and_drop(source, target)
click_and_hold source
move_to target, 0, 0
release target
end # ActionBuilder
end # WebDriver
end # Selenium
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