HexRays - what is the purpose of __OFSUB __ ()?

In the following decompiled function using Ida pro Hex rays:

int sub_409650()
  int v0; // ecx@1
  int result; // eax@1
  bool v2; // zf@1
  bool v3; // sf@1
  unsigned __int8 v4; // of@1
  unsigned __int16 v5; // cx@2
  unsigned int v6; // ecx@2

  v0 = gS1_dword_62EEA8 & 7;
  result = gS1_dword_62EEA8 - v0;
  v4 = __OFSUB__(gS1_dword_62EEA8 - v0, 16);
  v2 = gS1_dword_62EEA8 - v0 == 16;
  v3 = gS1_dword_62EEA8 - v0 - 16 < 0;
  gS1_dword_62EEA8 -= v0;
  gs2_dword_62EFB4 >>= v0;
  if ( (unsigned __int8)(v3 ^ v4) | v2 )
    v5 = *dword_62EFB0;
    v6 = (v5 << result) | gs2_dword_62EFB4;
    result += 16;
    gs2_dword_62EFB4 = v6;
    gS1_dword_62EEA8 = result;
  return result;


It calls __OFSUB__

, but what does it do? I figured it was due to overflow, but if so then why is it not a condition:

// Checking if subtracting v0 is 16 or negative?
if ( v3 | v2 )


Update: raw asm (some things have been renamed now):

.text:00409650 sub_409650 proc near      
.text:00409650                 mov     eax, gBitCounter_62EEA8
.text:00409655                 push    esi
.text:00409656                 mov     esi, gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4
.text:0040965C                 mov     ecx, eax
.text:0040965E                 and     ecx, 7
.text:00409661                 shr     esi, cl
.text:00409663                 sub     eax, ecx
.text:00409665                 cmp     eax, 10h
.text:00409668                 mov     gBitCounter_62EEA8, eax
.text:0040966D                 mov     gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4, esi
.text:00409673                 jg      short loc_4096A5
.text:00409675                 mov     edx, gAudioFrameDataPtr
.text:0040967B                 xor     ecx, ecx
.text:0040967D                 mov     cx, [edx]
.text:00409680                 add     edx, 2
.text:00409683                 mov     esi, ecx
.text:00409685                 mov     ecx, eax
.text:00409687                 shl     esi, cl
.text:00409689                 mov     ecx, gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4
.text:0040968F                 mov     gAudioFrameDataPtr, edx
.text:00409695                 or      ecx, esi
.text:00409697                 add     eax, 10h
.text:0040969A                 mov     gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4, ecx
.text:004096A0                 mov     gBitCounter_62EEA8, eax
.text:004096A5 loc_4096A5:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_409650+23j
.text:004096A5                 pop     esi
.text:004096A6                 retn
.text:004096A6 sub_409650 endp



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1 answer

There is nothing to say about it. HexRays did a pretty bad job of decompiling these functions into something legible, but it wasn't wrong.

A quick analysis of this assembly:

mov     eax, gBitCounter_62EEA8                 ; eax = gBitCounter_62EEA8
push    esi
mov     esi, gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4 ; esi = gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4
mov     ecx, eax                                    
and     ecx, 7                              

; esi = gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4 >> (gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7)  
; i.e, esi got shiftted by the 3 LSB of gBitCounter_62EEA8
shr     esi, cl                                 

; eax = gBitCounter_62EEA8 - (gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7)
sub     eax, ecx    

cmp     eax, 10h

; gBitCounter_62EEA8 -= gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7
mov     gBitCounter_62EEA8, eax                 

; gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4 >>= gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7
mov     gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4, esi 

; if gBitCounter_62EEA8 > 0x10 { return; }
jg      short loc_4096A5            

; else... continue work

loc_4096A5:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_409650+23j
pop     esi


A better decompilation would be:

gBitCounter_62EEA8 -= gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7
gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4 >>= gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7

if (gBitCounter_62EEA8 > 0x10)
    // rest of code


However, you may notice that HexRays overrides the condition. It generated this condition:

if ( (unsigned __int8)(
    (gBitCounter_62EEA8 - 16 < 0)  ^ 
    (__OFSUB__(gBitCounter_62EEA8 - (gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7), 16))) // when this is actually the gBitCounter_62EEA8 var before modifications
        (gBitCounter_62EEA8 == 16) )


According to Intel's link , it jg

is executed if ZF = 0 and SF = OF


The condition closely reflects this:

  • Either Counter == 16

    - this means that ZF = 0

    , therefore, it is jg

    not executed
  • Or Counter < 16 XOR __OFSUB__(gBitCounter_62EEA8 - (gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7), 16)

    , which means:

    • Counter < 16

      (let's call it A) - which means SF=1

    • __OFSUB__(gBitCounter_62EEA8 - (gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7), 16)

      (let it call B) which means OF=1

    If A=true

    and B=false

    , it means SF=1,OF=0 => SF!=OF

    . If A=false

    u B=true

    means SF=0,OF=1 = > SF!=OF

    that means if A^B

    then SF!=OF

    , that means if A^B => jg not taken


In general, if jg

not, then "the rest of the code" is executed.

Hope this helped you understand the behavior of HexRays. The decompilation was correct, but very redundant (it didn't clean up a lot of garbage so that it could), and it couldn't predict an appropriate way to define the conditions (it took the "harder" way)



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