Mvc Donut Caching programmatically disable caching

I am using MvcDonutCaching in my project and am looking for a way to disable caching globally to help during debugging / testing.

I can't find examples of how to do this in the documentation, but I did find CacheSettingsManager

one that provides a property IsCachingEnabledGlobally

, but this readonly


There CacheSettingsManager

are no constructors that would allow me to customize this parameter. Is there a way to tweak this setting?

There is an alternative solution that might work (ugly), but this is an absolute last resort and shouldn't really be necessary:

public class CustomOutputCache : DonutOutputCacheAttribute
    public CustomOutputCache()
        if(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseCache"] == "false")
            base.NoStore = true;
            base.Duration = 0;


And then using this on my controller actions:

public ActionResult Homepage() 
    // etc...


Is there a correct way to do this?


source to share

2 answers

This is an ugly solution, but you might consider using compilation flags. Something like:

#if !DEBUG
public ActionResult Homepage() 
   // etc...


This will only compile the attribute when non-Debug configurations are selected.



If anyone else stumbles upon this please add below to your FilterConfig.cs

public class AuthenticatedOnServerCacheAttribute : DonutOutputCacheAttribute
    private OutputCacheLocation? originalLocation;

    public override void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext)

        //NO CACHING this way
        if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseCache"] == "false")
            originalLocation = originalLocation ?? Location;
            Location = OutputCacheLocation.None;
        //Caching is on
            Location = originalLocation ?? Location;



Now you can add this to your controllers.

    [AuthenticatedOnServerCache(CacheProfile = "Cache1Day")]
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();


This answer was inspired by Felipe 's answer . / ...



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