Reset inherited WPF style?

In the App.xaml part of my application, I have an element ResourceDictionary

that targets things like DataGridColumnHeader

and DataGridCell

, and applies a special style to them. These definitions are global (because they don't use the x key: they apply to all instances of the type).

Can I fully style these types for a "base" Aero theme (or any other theme currently) for use in a subsection of my application?

I have tried using

<Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGridColumnHeader}" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type DataGridColumnHeader}}">


Which doesn't seem to do anything, as I am assuming it is just inheriting from itself.


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1 answer

There are two ways to reset a style:

  • Set the style property of the element {x:Null}

    . You will need to do this on every element.

    <Button Height="50" Style="{x:Null}"></Button>

  • Define an empty style in the resources of the element containing the elements you want to reset. Don't specify BasedOn

    , otherwise it will inherit all properties and won't reset them to the default (as you rightly pointed out).

    <Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGridColumnHeader}">



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