Can JavaScript Math.max be used on a string array?

This seems to work on an array of strings that look like numbers (these are numbers from a CSV file read with csv-parse

that seems to convert everything to strings):

 var a = ['123.1', '1234.0', '97.43', '5678'];
 Math.max.apply(Math, a);


Returns 5678


Does it convert Math.max

strings to numbers automatically?

Or do I need to do the conversion first +

to be safe?


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3 answers

Does Math.max convert strings to numbers automatically?

ECMA Script 5.1 Specification for Math.max


If there are zero or more arguments, calls ToNumber

for each of the arguments and returns the largest value obtained.

So internally, all values ​​are trying to convert to a number before finding the maximum value, and you don't need to explicitly convert strings to numbers.

But watch out for results NaN

if the string is not a valid number. For example, if the array had one invalid string like this

var a = ['123.1', '1234.0', '97.43', '5678', 'thefourtheye'];
console.log(Math.max.apply(Math, a));
// NaN




You will get NaN

if any string is not a number, but it should work fine otherwise. I would add +

just to be safe.



Consider this situation:

    var a=['123.1', '1234.0', '97.43', '5678','0               11111111'];
    console.log(Math.max.apply(Math, a));


You need to make the elements from the array more secure.



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