Get the last inserted data from Cassandra

We have a primary key in our table as UUID

. To get the latest entry, we order a field desc uuid

. However, since this field is not integer, we do not always get the last record. Is there a way to get the latest entry? Please note that we do not want to create cluster columns.

Here is my table

ArtistId (partition key)  | SongId (primary key, uuid) |  Song
1                         | 9a9fa429-c349-4137         |  abc
1                         | 9a9fa429-b349-6137         |  cde
1                         | 9a9ga429-a349-6132         |  fgh
2                         | 249ga429-a909-6542         |  ijk
2                         | 249kg429-a239-3652         |  lmn
1                         | i55oa429-a909-3462         |  opq
1                         | e4235k59-4ik9-6542         |  rst



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1 answer

TL & DR: TimeUUID type cql3 to rescue!

If you have a db schema like this:

create table music (
  artist_id int,
  song_id timeuuid,
  song text,
  primary key (artist_id, song_id)
) with clustering order by (song_id desc);


Please note these changes to the original schema:

  • uuid

    changed to timeuuid

  • sorted in reverse order

The table contains some data:

 artist_id | dateOf(song_id)          | song
         1 | 2015-05-29 13:25:15+0300 |  baz
         1 | 2015-05-29 13:25:11+0300 |  bar
         1 | 2015-05-29 13:25:06+0300 |  foo
         2 | 2015-05-29 13:25:19+0300 |  qux


To get the latest song_id file for a fixed artist_id file, you can run a query like:

select artist_id,dateOf(song_id),song from music where artist_id=1 limit 1;




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