How to convert input number 34.6 to decimal 34.6 in Python

How to convert input number 34.6 to decimal 34.6 in python? I made a simple program in the pyqt4 GUI and in Germany Germans think "like". " so how can i convert my input "a" (line number) to decimal?

def test(self): 
    a = int(self.ui.lineEdit.text()) 
    b = int (self.ui.lineEdit_2.text()) 
    Result = math.pow((a+b),2) 



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1 answer

According to: Here

try it

from locale import *
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, '') # set to your default locale; for me this is
# 'English_Canada.1252'. Or you could explicitly specify a locale in which floats
# are formatted the way that you describe, if that not how your locale works :)
atof('123,456') # 123456.0
# To demonstrate, let explicitly try a locale in which the comma is a
# decimal point:
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'French_Canada.1252')
atof('123,456') # 123.456


Maybe your code could be:

from locale import *
def test(self):
    setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'French_Canada.1252')
    a = atof(self.ui.lineEdit.text()) 
    b = atof(self.ui.lineEdit_2.text()) 
    Result = math.pow((a+b),2) 




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