Meteor with railroad track

When I click on a username, I want the link to go to my profile page. I am using Meteor with an iron router. Here are the specific routes:

Router.route('/', { name: 'JobsList'}); //homepage with all users

//this is where the user profile is located and works:
Router.route('/company/:_id/', {
 name: 'CompanyPage',
 data: function() { return Meteor.users.findOne(this.params._id); }

//this page shows all users with url that works:
Router.route('/companies/', {name: 'CompaniesList'});


I get the wrong link when I hover over the username on the homepage, but I get the right link when I find my name on the '/ companies /' page. To create a link I am using pathFor "CompanyPage"


Am I missing something that is causing the wrong url on the homepage? What js or html do you need to look at? Let me know and I will edit this post. Thank.


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1 answer

To get the correct link, you must use the following syntax:

{{pathFor 'CompanyPage' _id=userId }}


If this._id should be user id

What's happening:

For routes with an appended identifier of some type, Iron Router looks for the same identifier name in the this

. It will work if the parameter is this

set to the correct data context, however, in the case of your route /

, you don't have a specific data context. In CompanyPage, the data context is defined by the correct user.



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