Various webfont for Japanese special characters

I am working on a Japanese website and I am using the Meiryo website. I really like this font, but special characters have too much headroom. The exact problem is that there is too much space before special characters such as,, which makes the design disabled if such a character is the first on the line.

font-family: "ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3","Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro",Osaka,"メイリオ",Meiryo,"MS Pゴシック","MS PGothic",sans-serif;


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Image of the problem in my browser:

My idea to solve this problem is to write a script that puts each special character in a container with negative margin. This is obviously very hacky and not really practical, so are there any better solutions, for example, for fonts only for special characters?


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1 answer

I wouldn't say this is a great option, but you can let CSS render the lenticular brackets. By doing this, you completely remove the parentheses from the text, so they can no longer be selected, indexed, etc., but this will solve the problem of filling those characters with a simple CSS class and work with any element.

This only applies to these two characters. Other special characters need similar CSS rules.

.brackets:before {
.brackets:after {


And then in your HTML, just add the brackets class and remove the brackets in the text:

<h3 class="brackets">好き</h3>


.brackets:before {
.brackets:after {

<h3 class="brackets">好き</h3>
<h3 class="brackets">好きくない</h3>
<p>煙草、カフェイン、満員電車及び人混み、パンチのあるアルコール類、刺激物全般(辛い、苦い)、算数、スポーツ全般、読書、<span class="brackets">プンプンしてる人</span></p>
<h3 class="brackets">弱点</h3>

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