Unity3d Undo is EditorWindow [for bools and strings]

Here is my code,

 CoreGlobal.OnMobile = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Mobile Build", CoreGlobal.OnMobile);

         if (Selection.activeGameObject && Selection.activeGameObject.tag == "CBC")
             selectedTransform = Selection.activeGameObject.transform;
             fold = EditorGUILayout.InspectorTitlebar(fold, selectedTransform);
             if (fold)
                 selectedTransform.position =
                     EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Position", selectedTransform.position);
                 rotationComponents =
                     EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field("Detailed Rotation", QuaternionToVector4(selectedTransform.localRotation));
                 selectedTransform.localScale =
                     EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Scale", selectedTransform.localScale);
             selectedTransform.localRotation = ConvertToQuaternion(rotationComponents);


this is the code I have in my editor window, the onGUI function.

I am trying to create a cancellation for code. I'm not sure how to reverse the google value. Undo.RecordObject(OBJECT, STRING);

In what ways can I change the bool to Object so that I can reverse it? if anyone could get me to start just for bool I could do the rest.


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1 answer

I don't think this is a great answer, but you can do something with this callback. It's not a perfect solution, but it should be a start.


And then you could register the cancellation with a mock object and then somehow figure out how to determine what cancellations were made?



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