How to make slideshow using ASP.NET Repeater

I am dynamically loading my image urls from the database.

Here is my current code for a repeater for loading images

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" Visible="True">
        <a><asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" Width="1200" Height="300" ImageURL='<%#Eval("ThumbnailPath")%>' class="slide" /></a>


This is my .ASPX page where the image comes out but it only displays my images vertically, how do I do this in a slideshow?

Here is my code Uploading Images to Relay

    GallerySTR = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PPDB"].ConnectionString;
    GalleryCN = new SqlConnection(GallerySTR);

    string LoginQuery = "SELECT * FROM Albums";
    GalleryCMD = new SqlCommand(LoginQuery, GalleryCN);

    GalleryDA = new SqlDataAdapter(GalleryCMD);
    GalleryDS = new DataSet();
    Repeater1.DataSource = GalleryDS;


I can upload pictures fine, but I cannot seem like you are doing this in a slideshow. maybe there is javascript? or any method or codes?


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1 answer

Go to this

jQuery Slideshow

This will look like in your aspx designer

<div class="slideshow" data-transition="crossfade" data-loop="true" data-skip="false">
        <ul class="carousel">
            <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server">
                    <li class="slide">
                        <img src='<%# DataBinder.Eval (Container.DataItem, "ImageUrl") %>' alt="" width="440" height="200" />


Link your code to this relay and don't forget to include the script in the aspx page.


Add a link to the required css file in the header section of the html page. You will need to adapt to your project.

<link href="Content/Slideshow.css" rel="stylesheet">


And at the end of the body tag, you will add js scripts

<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/Slideshow.js"></script>




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