Ordering query results as specified in the where clause

I have a table QuotesTable

- a primary key quotesid


I have this sql-statement


 select * from QuotesTable where quotesid in (103,7,16,50,41,80,67,64)


This returns me the result in the following order:

 103 and so on. 


but I need the results in the following order as stated in the query (103,7,16,50,41,80,67,64) as:

 64 and so on.


Is there a way to achieve this?


source to share

2 answers

Try the following:

select * from QuotesTable where quotesid in (103,7,16,50,41,80,67,64)
order by case quotesid when 103 then 1
                       when  7  then 2
                       when 16  then 3
                       when 50  then 4
                       when 41  then 5
                       when 80  then 6
                       when 67  then 7
                       when 64  then 8


If these values ​​grow, you can create a table in the database:

create table QuotesOrderingTable(quotesid int, orderid int)


fill it in with the appropriate values:

insert into QuotesOrderingTable values
(103, 1),
(7, 2),
(16, 3),
(50, 4),
(41, 5),
(80, 6),
(67, 7),
(64, 8),
(..., 9),
(..., 10),


and then use it for ordering:

select qt.* from QuotesTable qt
join QuotesOrderingTable qot on qt.quotesid = qot.quotesid
where qt.quotesid in (103,7,16,50,41,80,67,64)
order by qot.orderid




Another option does it like this:

SELECT 1, * FROM QuotesTable WHERE quotesid = 103 UNION ALL
SELECT 2, * FROM QuotesTable WHERE quotesid = 7 UNION ALL
SELECT 3, * FROM QuotesTable WHERE quotesid = 16 UNION ALL
SELECT 4, * FROM QuotesTable WHERE quotesid = 50 UNION ALL
SELECT 5, * FROM QuotesTable WHERE quotesid = 41 UNION ALL
SELECT 6, * FROM QuotesTable WHERE quotesid = 80 UNION ALL
SELECT 7, * FROM QuotesTable WHERE quotesid = 67 UNION ALL
SELECT 8, * FROM QuotesTable WHERE quotesid = 64


Not the prettiest, but at least you don't repeat the WHERE clause

Another variation that looks a little nicer:

SELECT * FROM QuotesTable q
JOIN (SELECT 1 ordering, 103 quotesid UNION ALL
      SELECT 2         , 7 UNION ALL
      SELECT 3         , 16 UNION ALL
      SELECT 4         , 50 UNION ALL
      SELECT 5         , 41 UNION ALL
      SELECT 6         , 80 UNION ALL
      SELECT 7         , 67 UNION ALL
      SELECT 8         , 64) o ON o.quotesid = q.quotesid
ORDER BY o.ordering




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