Switch options and powershell.exe -File option
According to Microsoft:
In rare cases, you may need a boolean value for the switch parameter. To provide a Boolean value for the switch parameter in the value of the File parameter, specify the parameter name and value in curly braces, for example: -File. \ Get- Script.ps1 {-All: $ False}
I have a simple script:
[CmdletBinding()] Param ( [switch] $testSwitch ) $testSwitch.ToBool()
Next, I try to run it like this:
powershell -file .\1.ps1 {-testSwitch:$false}
As a result, I get an error:
But according to Microsoft, it should work.
If I remove the attribute [CmdletBinding]
, this error doesn't happen, but for some reason $testSwitch.ToBool()
returns False, regardless of whether I passed $True
or $False
Why? What are the reasons for this behavior?
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A workaround is to not use the -File parameter:
c:\scripts>powershell.exe .\test.ps1 -testswitch:$true
c:\scripts>powershell.exe .\test.ps1 -testswitch:$false
This is also an active bug on Microsoft Connect
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There are ways to make this work, like expanding a string :
[CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter()]$testSwitch ) $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($testSwitch)
However, you don't really need to do this. Just run the script with or without a switch and check for the switch parameter:
[CmdletBinding()] Param( [switch][bool]$testSwitch ) $testSwitch.IsPresent
C:\>powershell -File .\test.ps1 -testSwitch True C:\>powershell -File .\test.ps1 False
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