How to return the X largest rows for each row in a table

Let's say I have two tables (below). What is the best way to write a selection to get the 2 highest salary employees from each department? Suppose there are potentially many departments.


employee_name | salary | department_id
John          | 65000  | 1
Sally         | 60000  | 1
Lucy          | 40000  | 2
James         | 80000  | 3
Harry         | 65000  | 3




employee_name | salary | department_id
John          | 65000  | 1
Sally         | 60000  | 1
Connor        | 55000  | 1
Judy          | 55000  | 1
Lucy          | 40000  | 2
James         | 80000  | 3
Harry         | 65000  | 3
Penny         | 56000  | 3



department_id | name
1             | Sales
2             | Marketing
3             | IT



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3 answers

The best choice for this type of choice is OUTER APPLY

. It is designed for this kind of work:

select d.department_id, oa.employee_name, oa.salary
from Departments d
outer apply(select top 2 e.employee_name, e.salary 
            from Employee e 
            where d.department_id = e.department_id 
            order by e.salary desc) oa


If you don't want to get departments that have no employees, just change OUTER APPLY

tocross apply



You can use ROW_NUMBER()

as follows.

SELECT employee_name,Salary,department_id,
    ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY department_id ORDER BY Salary DESC) rn
FROM Employee
SELECT employee_name,Salary,d.department_id,
INNER JOIN Departments d ON d.department_id = c.department_id
WHERE rn <= 2




This method is CTE

quite efficient
Use this code:

Create  TABLE #table
    name varchar(10),
    salary varchar(10),
    depid int


insert into #table values('John','65000',1)
insert into #table values('Sally','60000',1)
insert into #table values('Connor','55000',1)
insert into #table values('Judy','55000',1)
insert into #table values('Lucy','65000',2)
insert into #table values('Kevin','55000',2)
insert into #table values('Ram','60000',2)
insert into #table values('James','80000',3)
insert into #table values('Harry','65000',3)
insert into #table values('Penny','56000',3)

select * from #table

;With CTE as
select name,salary,depid,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by depid order by salary desc) as maxisal from #table
select name,salary,depid from CTE
where maxisal<=2


EDIT: changed maxi to maxisal to make it work - Fuzzyjulz

Note. I added two entries for Depid 2


name    salary  depid   
John    65000   1        
Sally   60000   1        
Lucy    65000   2        
Ram     60000   2        
James   80000   3        
Harry   65000   3        




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