Register a new SessionManager
1 answer
public class StartupBeanExtension implements Extension, ServletExtension {
public void handleDeployment(DeploymentInfo deployment, ServletContext context) {
boolean sessionPersistenceEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(BeanUtils.getBean(PropertyResolver.class).getValue("UAM.SessionPersistenceEnabled"));
if (sessionPersistenceEnabled) {
System.out.println("Overriding default InMemorySessionManager...[" + deployment.getDeploymentName() + ", " + deployment.getDisplayName() + "]");
deployment.setSessionManagerFactory(new UAMSessionManagerFactory());
} else {
System.out.println("InMemorySessionManager IS NOT OVERIDED!");
public class UAMSessionManagerFactory implements SessionManagerFactory {
public SessionManager createSessionManager(Deployment deployment) {
UAMSessionManager ss = new UAMSessionManager(deployment.getDeploymentInfo().getDeploymentName());
return ss;
public class UAMSessionManager extends InMemorySessionManager {
public UAMSessionManager(String deploymentName) {
UAMSessionListener uamSessionListener = new UAMSessionListener();
System.out.println("New session manager created. Listener activated.");
// create session
public Session createSession(final HttpServerExchange serverExchange, final SessionConfig config, String sessionID) {
config.setSessionId(serverExchange, sessionID);
Session session = super.createSession(serverExchange, config);
return session;
// get session
public Session getSession(final HttpServerExchange serverExchange, final SessionConfig config) {
final String sessionId = config.findSessionId(serverExchange);
Session session = getSession(sessionId);
if (session == null) {
try {
UAMService uam = getUAMService();
if (uam != null) {
Sessions storedSession = uam.getSession(sessionId);
if (storedSession != null) {
String storedSessionId = storedSession.getSessionId();
// create new session with storedSessionID
session = createSession(serverExchange, config, storedSessionId);
// SET session attributes if needed from storedSession to new one
} else {
// let InMemorySessionManager create new session
return null;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return session;
public class UAMSessionListener implements SessionListener {
public void sessionCreated(Session session, HttpServerExchange exchange) {
public void sessionDestroyed(Session session, HttpServerExchange exchange, SessionDestroyedReason reason) {
public void attributeAdded(Session session, String name, Object value) {
UAMService uamService = getUAMService();
if (uamService != null) {
Sessions storedSession = uamService.getSession(session.getId());
boolean isNew = false;
if (storedSession == null) {
storedSession = new Sessions();
storedSession.setActvityDate(new Date());
isNew = true;
// STORE SOME INFO FROM value and update/create it in storage
uamService.updateSession(storedSession, isNew);
public void attributeUpdated(Session session, String name, Object newValue, Object oldValue) {
public void attributeRemoved(Session session, String name, Object oldValue) {
public void sessionIdChanged(Session session, String oldSessionId) {
To override the default InMemmorySessionManager with a different SessionManager, follow these steps:
- Develop a SessionManager that implements io.undertow.server.session.SessionManager
- Create a SessionManagerFactory that implements io.undertow.servlet.api.SessionManagerFactory
- Develop a launcher extension that implements io.undertow.servlet.ServletExtension and, in the handleDeployment (Deployment) method, changes the sessionManagerFactory with the new SessionManagerFactory.
- Register a new ServletExtension parameter by adding the file .. / META -INF / services / io.undertow.servlet.ServletExtension (the file must contain the name of the new ServletExtension, for example
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