How to check if ActiveRecord inverse_of works?

According to the documentation for ActiveRecord :: Associations :: ClassMethods , ActiveRecord can automatically determine if the association of belongs_to

one module is inverse to an association has_one

or has_many

another model.

However, I want to make sure that this detection does succeed in some associations that I'm not sure about (for example, I have belongs_to

one that doesn't exactly match another model name, but has a class_name

set). Is there a way to check that a discovery has inverse_of

been applied to a specific association? Ideally, I would add something to the set of test projects to make sure the association is bi-directional as intended.


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1 answer

Start rails console and run:

> Rails.application.eager_load!

> ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.each {|m| puts "=== #{m} ==="; m.reflect_on_all_associations.each {|a| puts "#{} => #{a.has_inverse?}"}}


It will list all your models, their associations and, if their reverse is known, otherwise "false", "no" or "empty string" (depending on why it is unknown.)



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