Any Better Alternative to Get Latest Record Without Limits

I have the following request

DECLARE lv_Duration INT;    
    SET @lv_Duration = 0;    

     SELECT @lv_Duration := TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,  changedon,NOW()) 
     FROM  `transactionhistory` 
     WHERE transaction_Id = TRIM(_transaction)        
     ORDER BY tsh_id DESC
     LIMIT 1; 


In which I get the time since the last write of the transaction_Id fields. But it takes 0.25 seconds on a medium table. My primary autogrowth field is tsh_id. I have an index on the transaction_Id field. I think that ordering and accepting the last record might have a performance impact. so what is any alternative for this?


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1 answer

From the ORDER BY

optimization link
provided by McAdam331. I believe your request follows the pattern:

    FROM t1
   WHERE key_part1 = constant
ORDER BY key_part2;


The composite index (transaction_Id,tsh_id)

shouldn't speed it up.

I don't think there is a faster way than LIMIT

to get the latest entry.



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