Add QML (QQuickView) to existing interface

I am currently developing a Qt class that needs to be integrated into a Visual C ++ project.

Qt project is a Qt widget application. Build on Qt Creator 3.2.1 (opensource) based on Qt 5.3.2. Using Visual Studio 2013 Professional, Qt Addin installed.

I've tried solutions from all over the web or from other Stack posts with no success. I don't see my post as a duplicate, as other posts don't solve my problem.

I was able to run QML from code, but it runs in a different window. In the first screenshot, a QML window (Qt canvas) is displayed on top of my program user interface.

QML on a separate window

I need to integrate QML into my programming interface. I can use QGraphicsView

if that helps.


Simple QML example. canvas.qml

import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
    id: rectangle
    color: "red"
    width: 600
    height: 600 



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1 answer

Please take a look at the MVC implementation piece in my project. Here is a class for rendering QML code in Qt5.6. Hope it helps.

QmlViewBase::QmlViewBase( QWindow* parent, const std::string& qmlFilePath)
    this->m_pEngine = QQmlEnginePtr( new QQmlEngine() );
    this->m_pView = QQuickViewPtr ( new QQuickView( this->m_pEngine.get(), parent ));
    this->m_pView->setResizeMode( QQuickView::SizeRootObjectToView );
    this->m_pView->setSource( QUrl( qmlFilePath.c_str() ));
    this->m_pView->setVisible( false );
    this->m_pView->setMinimumSize(QSize(640, 480));

    try {
    }catch(...) {


void QmlViewBase::show()

void QmlViewBase::hide()

bool QmlViewBase::isVisible()
    return this->m_pView->isVisible();

bool QmlViewBase::close()
    return this->m_pView->close();

QObject * const QmlViewBase::getSlotsSignalsObject() const
    return reinterpret_cast<QObject* const >( this->m_pView->rootObject() );


To manage controllers, I have a Gui director class with the following implementation:

#ifndef de91_a97_4a2d_b906_01070cbfdd47
#define de91_a97_4a2d_b906_01070cbfdd47

#include "gui_director.h"
#include "utility/event_handler/event_handler.h"
#include "utility/exceptions.h"
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <QApplication>

template<typename ControllerId>
class GuiDirectorImpl : public GuiDirector<ControllerId>,
                        public EventHandler<
                              Event<ModelToUIParameters, ServerToClientEventType> >
   typedef boost::shared_ptr<GuiDirectorImpl<ControllerId> > pointer;
   typedef boost::weak_ptr<GuiDirectorImpl<ControllerId> > weak_pointer;

   virtual ~GuiDirectorImpl()
   GuiDirectorImpl(QApplication *app)
      m_app = app;

   virtual void addController(ControllerId controllerId,
                              Controller::pointer controller)
      if (isControllerExist( controllerId )) {
         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( argument_error()
                                << error_description( "controller with such id already added" ) );

      m_idToController[controllerId] = controller;

   virtual void setActive(ControllerId controllerId)
      if (!isControllerExist( controllerId )) {
         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( argument_error()
                                << error_description( "controller with such id doesn't exeist" ) );

      Controller::pointer oldController = m_currentActiveController;

      m_currentActiveController = m_idToController[controllerId];
      if(NULL != oldController)


      if (NULL != oldController) {

   virtual void handleEvent(Event<ModelToUIParameters, ServerToClientEventType>::pointer event_)
      if (NULL == m_currentActiveController) {
         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( error()
                                << error_description( "no active controller, cant handle event" ) );

      m_currentActiveController->handleEvent( event_ );

   virtual void quit()

   bool isControllerExist(ControllerId controllerId)
      typename std::map<ControllerId, Controller::pointer>::const_iterator iter = m_idToController.find( controllerId );

      if (m_idToController.end() == iter) {
         return false;

      return true;

   QApplication *m_app;
   Controller::pointer m_currentActiveController;
   typename std::map<ControllerId, Controller::pointer> m_idToController;

#endif /* de91_a97_4a2d_b906_01070cbfdd47 */




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