Linux set root password on etc / shadow file

I am creating a ram filesystem and I have created a "/" directory. I would like to set a default root password for the generated "etc / shadow" file. Actual file:



I would like to replace "root: *:" with "root: Hashedpassword:", I know it is very easy to replace "*" with "HASHEDPASSWORD", but this should be done using the pattern "root: nothing:" and this also shouldn't be hard, even if I would like to ask about it here, because it might be helpful for others.

For example:

the password I want to set is "centos"

Salt is "xyz"

I get a hashed pass:

pass=$(openssl passwd -1 -salt xyz centos)


Then I would like me to replace "nothing" in "root: anything:" with "root: Hashedpassword:" with the command "sed".


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1 answer

You can do it with GNU sed like

sed -i -e "s/^root:[^:]\+:/root:$pass:/" etc/shadow


If it $pass

can have characters in it /

, you can use a different delimiter, for example ,

if it doesn't. You can do it like:

sed -i -e  "s,^root:[^:]\+:,root:$pass:," etc/shadow


if you don't have GNU sed, you may not have -i

or may need an argument.

You can also use awk

for this:

awk -F: "BEGIN {OFS=FS;} \$1 == \"root\" {\$2=\"$pass\"} 1" etc/shadow


if you have the latest version of GNU awk, you can do it with the -i


awk -i inplace -F: "BEGIN {OFS=FS;} \$1 == \"root\" {\$2=\"$pass\"} 1" etc/shadow




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