Where should I define a JS function to call in an EJS template

I am working on a template where I am trying to create a template using express and ejs. Regarding the standard node application structure, I have an app.js file that contains the following functions:

app.locals.getFlag = function(country) {
var flag_img_name = "";
if (country.toLowerCase() == "us") {
    flag_img_name = "flag_us16x13.gif";
else if (country.toLowerCase() == "ca"){
    flag_img_name = "flag_ca16x13.gif";
return flag_img_name;


I have a file some_template.ejs that calls this function like this:

<img src="http://some_url_path/<%=getFlag(data_point[0].country_name) %>" width="16" height="14" alt="country" >


and everything works fine. However, I have about 15-20 functions like this and I don't want to define them in app.js. Is there some other place where I can define these functions and call them in the template the same way I do now? If so, how can you define them so that they are available as they are now.

I am new to node, express and ejs and not sure about different methods. If someone could shed some light on this it would be great. Thank you in advance.


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2 answers

Just post this answer here for anyone who might be able to resolve this issue while solving the same problem.

All you have to do is create a new file (say functions.ejs

) and include it in the .ejs file where you want to call this function. So, I have a function like this in a file named functions.ejs


getPriceChgArrow = function(value) {
    arrow_img_name = "";
    if (value < 0) {
        arrow_img_name = "arrow_down12x13.gif";
    else {
        arrow_img_name = "arrow_up12x13.gif";
    return arrow_img_name;


Then include functions.ejs

in the file from which you want to call the function. Let's say I want to call this function on a file quote.ejs

. So I would include it in the following:

<% include *file_path*/functions %> 


Just use this function in the appropriate place in your ejs file from where you want to call it. For example:

<img src = "http:/some_url/<% getPriceChgArrow(data_point[0].value) %>" />


and you are all in tune. Hope this helps someone.



Well, somehow the accepted answer didn't work for me. It also doesn't make sense to create a separate file*.ejs

for each of my functions and then import the file into view - especially when I have very simple logic to be implemented.

It's actually very simple and easy to define a function and use it in a view

I did this:

   // ------ Define a function
   get_tree = function(tree){
      for(var i in tree){
     <%= tree[i].title %>
  // ----- Call the above declared function


And it works!




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