UISplitViewController - Slideshow Style Usage

I am struggling a bit with the new UISplitViewController in iOS 8.

I want to create a slideshow style menu on iPhone (landscape and portrait) and iPad in portrait orientation and a permanent sidebar on iPad in landscape orientation.

I have a UITableViewController as master and a UINavigationController with multiple UIViewControllers as detail in my SplitViewController.

Is it possible to get something like this with the new UISplitViewController in iOS 8? At first this would have been enough to trigger the scrolling of the iphone: D



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2 answers

UISplitViewController will do just that. Sliding menus and everything.

It works like a dream if you use it exactly from the book. And that requires setting up some UINavigationControllers as part of the magic.

The tutorial is highly recommended for the first time. It's easy to make it mess up otherwise. :)




By default, the UISplitViewController in iOS8 will act as a slideshow style style on iPad (in both portrait and landscape modes) and iPhone 6+ (in landscape mode only).

As for whether it is possible to get a slide style menu working on all iphones via splitViewController, I really don't know (I'm still new to iOS development). I suspect this entails a change in how splitViewController treats different size classes. If there is no easy way to change the behavior of splitViewController, perhaps you can subclass splitViewController and override any functions you don't like.

I haven't tried this before, and I don't know how the controller determines how it displays in different size classes. However, if I were trying to accomplish what you are, then this is what I would look at.



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