Introducing absolute differences Stereo-matching algorithm

Good day!

I am trying to find out how to manually implement stereo matching algorithms. I basically start with the most basic ones - Absolute Difference.

I found some slides on the internet that describe how to do this. Basically, from what I understand, I should calculate the difference between the pixels in my left image and the same pixel in the right image, "shifted" by a certain distance / disparity. Then, among these differences, I choose the minimum, which makes sense to me since the pixel with the lowest disparity means that it is most likely the same pixel in the left image.

I prototyped this in MATLAB. Here is the code:

im_left = imread('tsu_left.png');
im_right = imread('tsu_right.png');

height = size(im_left, 1);
width = size(im_left, 2);

disparity_max = 16;

ad_costs = zeros(height, width,disparity_max);

for disparity = 1:disparity_max
    for row = 1:height
        for col = 1:width
            %Left to right matching
            col_disp = col - disparity;
            if col_disp < 1
                ad_costs(row, col, disparity) = 0;
                %Average RGB
                left_pixel = (im_left(row, col, 1) + im_left(row, col, 2) + im_left(row, col, 3))/3;
                right_pixel = (im_right(row, col_disp, 1) + im_right(row, col_disp, 2) + im_right(row, col_disp, 3))/3;

                %Subtract averages
                ad_costs(row, col, disparity) = abs(left_pixel - right_pixel);

min_costs = zeros(height, width);

for disparity = 1:disparity_max
    for row = 1:height
        for col = 1:width
            %The minimum disparity is chosen
            min_costs(row, col) = min(ad_costs(row, col, :));


Note that I have not implemented an option that sums the differences in a specific window, resulting in a sum of the absolute differences. I only take the difference as a pixel, a mismatch. The lecture slides I found on the internet says it should look like this (rightmost image):

However, the result from the code above (using imshow (min_costs)) gives something like this:

I cannot understand why the outputs are so different. Is there some trivial step I'm missing or my understanding of how the algorithm is not working correctly? I am also using the tsukuba image.


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2 answers

This is most likely an imshow problem. The imshow function prevents an image from being displayed in the range [0, 255] if it is uint8 or [0.0, 1.0] if it is floating point.


imshow(min_cost, []);


Note: an empty array for the second argument. This is telling Matlab to figure out the scaling.

Or, use:

imagesc(min_cost); axis image off;



The vanilla rectified stereo with some pixel variety is pretty simple. See the code below:

function [D, C_min, C] = stereo_sad(I1, I2, min_d, max_d, w_radius)
  % function [D, C_min, C] = stereo_sad(I1, I2, min_d, max_d, w_radius)
  %   I1 the left stereo image
  %   I2 the right stereo image
  %   min_d minimum disparity
  %   max_d maximum disparity
  %   w_radius the radius of the window to do the AD aggeration
  %   D disparity values
  %   C_min cost associated with the minimum disparity at pixel (i,j)
  %   C  the cost volume for AD

  if nargin < 5, w_radius = 4; end % 9x9 window
  if nargin < 4, max_d = 64; end
  if nargin < 3, min_d = 0; end

  % aggregation filter (window size to aggerate the AD cost)
  kernel = ones(w_radius*2+1);
  kernel = kernel ./ numel(kernel); % normalize it

  % grayscale is sufficient for stereo matching
  % the green channel is actually a good approximation of the grayscale, we
  % could instad do I1 = I1(:,:,2);
  if size(I1,3) > 1, I1 = rgb2gray(I1); end
  if size(I2,3) > 1, I2 = rgb2gray(I2); end

  % conver to double/single
  I1 = double(I1);
  I2 = double(I2);

  % the range of disparity values from min_d to max_d inclusive
  d_vals = min_d : max_d;
  num_d = length(d_vals);
  C = NaN(size(I1,1), size(I1,2), num_d); % the cost volume

  % the main loop
  for i = 1 : length(d_vals);
    d = d_vals(i);
    I2_s = imtranslate(I2, [d 0]);
    C(:,:,i) = abs(I1 - I2_s); % you could also have SD here (I1-I2_s).^2
    C(:,:,i) = imfilter(C(:,:,i), kernel);


  [C_min, D] = min(C, [], 3);
  D = D + min_d;



To run the code

I1 = imread (... your left image I2 = imread (... your correct image) D = stereo_sad (I1, I2, 0, 96, 4); imagesc (D); axial image off; Colorbar

You will get a Difference Map as shown below SAD stereo


  • slide the right image on every mismatch.
  • calculate the Absolute Difference between the shifted image and the left image (or some other measure like SSD)
  • The average with a rectangular box is the "box" filter.
  • Keep averages at volume per pixel
  • The mismatch is located at the minimum of the value per pixel. The mismatch will be in the index at the lows

Operations can be performed using Matlab's built-in tools to generate easy-to-read code.

Hope it helps.



I think you should make a filter after the minify step SAD



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