How to combine neo4j and elasticsearch

I'm working on an application to answer the question, and for that I need to use neo4j

, and elasticsearch

in the same project maven. I am using elasticsearch

to make my application more robust. Since we know that neo4j

they elasticsearch

are working with another version of lucene, so whichever version includes me in the dependency, it gives an error.

That's what I'm doing:

The elasticsearch

data will be indexed first , and the data and relationships will be saved as graphdatabase

using neo4j

. The user will then enter a query through which the data will be retrieved using indexes. This data will be triggered in graphdatabasev

using a triggered scoring, which will then propagate along graphdatabase

to find matching results as per the user query.

Is there any way that I can integrate neo4j

and elasticsearch

at the same maven project, or there is another way through which the two modules can interact separately.



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1 answer

Please check out our integration page:

Who has some discussion as well as a sample project to get you started.



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