Haskell Use multiple parameters correctly

I'm trying to create my own Set data type, and when I try to declare an insert function, the compiler complains about too few arguments:

Expecting one more argument to `Set'
In the type signature for `insert': insert :: Set e -> Int -> Set


How can I correctly define the insert function to add a new item to my set?

Here's what I have so far:

data Set e = Set [e]

mySet :: Set Int
mySet = Set [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

setLength :: Set e -> Int
setLength (Set s) = length s

empty :: Set e -> Bool
empty (Set s) = if null s then True else False

insert :: Set e -> Int -> Set
insert set value = set : value

main = do print(insert mySet 1)



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1 answer

You should implement insert

as follows. Please note that your type signature is incorrect. You cannot paste Int

into a typeset Set e

(you can only paste Int

into a typeset Set Int


insert :: Set e -> e -> Set e
insert (Set s) value = Set $ value : s


Note that the above insert

does not account for duplicate items (hint: use nub

to fix this).

