Meteor js parallel db fetch.
Let's say I have some code that retrieves data from multiple collections as follows.
//code running on server.
var a = collectionA.findOne({...});
var b = collectionB.findOne({...});
var c = collectionC.findOne({...});
var d = collectionD.findOne({...});
If I am not mistaken the code will work serially. Thus, the waiting time for retrieving the collection will add up and the response time will be delayed.
Is there a way to run over the code in parallel, preferably to promise a template?
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1 answer
Meteor doesn't use promise or asynchronous, it uses Fibers. You can use it directly or using methods.
With a method, it might look like this:
function fetchAFromDB(arg,cb){ //function needs a callbac
var a = collectionA.findOne(arg);
if (!a) {
cb(new Meteor.Error("a-not-found", "Can't find a"));
cb(null,a) //first argmument is always an error
fetchA: function (arg) {
var fetchAAsync = Meteor.wrapAsync(fetchAFromDB); //wrap function as async
var result = fetchAAscync(arg); //execute function
return result; //return value
//call method on the server
//async'fetchA', {_id:'foo'}, function (error, result) { ... } );
var result ='fetchA', {_id:'foo'});
Call it clientide:'fetchA', {_id:'foo'}, function (error, result) { ... } );
Another way would be to use fiber directly ( Documentation for fibers ):
It might look like this for your use case:
function doSomethingWith(a){...} //does something with a
var Fiber = Npm.require('fibers');
var async = Fiber(function() {
var a = collectionA.findOne({...});
return doSomethingWith(a);
//calls you async function;
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