How do I debug my PHP validation function?

I am creating a web form for my job that is validated with PHP. However, when I test the page, I keep returning all error messages without submitting the form correctly when valid information is entered. Below is a small section of code (including HTML sections).

$date =""
$dateerror = ""
    if (empty($_POST["date"])) {
        $dateerror = "Date is required";
    } else {
        $date = test_input($_POST["date"]);
        $array = explode("/", $date);

        $day = $array[1];
        $month = $array[0];
        $year = $array[2];

        if (!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) {
            $dateerror = "Date mustbe in M/D/Y format";
        } else {
            $today = strtotime("now");
            if (strtotime($date)>=$today) {
                $date = test_input($_POST["date"]);
            } else {
                $dateerror = "Date is before present day";

<input type="text" size="9" name="date" id="date" required title="Please enter current date"><?php echo $dateerror; ?><br>


Again, the PHP code simply returns "Date to Today" even when the date is current.


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2 answers

If you want to check a date in PHP, the best way to do it is to use a class DateTime

viz createFromFormat


This call will create an object DateTime

set to the specified date in the given format, or false

if it was an invalid date.

So for example:

$input = "05/08/2015";

$test = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $input);
if (!$test) {
    print "You entered an invalid date";

$now = new DateTime();
if ($test < $now) {
    print "Date is before present.";


Just. No need for regex or input explosion etc; just one simple test. Then you can also use the variable $test

to handle the date once you have determined that it is correct as it is a standard DateTime object.

[EDIT] I added a bit of code to deal with using a class DateTime

to handle date mappings to give a "to date" error.

The important point here is that if you have a DateTime object, you need to compare it to another DateTime object; the older one strtotime()

creates a different type of date resource before DateTime

and you cannot use them together (at least not without converting between them all the time).



Solution: use date("M/D/Y")


$today = strtotime(date("M/D/Y")); // 1432958400
$date = strtotime($_POST["date"]); // user input. 05-30-2015 will yield 1432958400
// the rest of your logic here


Here's a specific solution for the code:

$date =""
$dateerror = ""
    if (empty($_POST["date"])) {
        $dateerror = "Date is required";
    } else {
        $date = test_input($_POST["date"]);
        $array = explode("/", $date);

        $day = $array[1];
        $month = $array[0];
        $year = $array[2];

        if (!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) {
            $dateerror = "Date mustbe in M/D/Y format";
        } else {
            $today = strtotime(date("M/D/Y"));
            if (strtotime($date)>=$today) {
                $date = test_input($_POST["date"]);
            } else {
                $dateerror = "Date is before present day";

<input type="text" size="9" name="date" id="date" required title="Please enter current date"><?php echo $dateerror; ?><br>




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