C # re-read from socket

I am trying to read from a socket for the first time and then interrupt the thread that is processing it and then re-read again. The weird part here is that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.


private void startSend() 
    Image f;
    ms = new MemoryStream();
    while (true) 
        f = GetDesktopImage();
        f.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
        bmpBytes = (ms.ToArray());
        SendVarData(client.Client, bmpBytes);

private int SendVarData(Socket s, byte[] data) 
    total = 0;
    int size = data.Length;
    int dataleft = size;
    int sent;

    datasize = BitConverter.GetBytes(size);
    sent = s.Send(datasize);

    while (total < size) 
        sent = s.Send(data, total, dataleft, SocketFlags.None);
        total += sent;
        dataleft -= sent;
    return total;


I am calling start dispatch on a thread that is always running in the background.

server code:

MemoryStream ms;
byte[] data;
public void startListening() 
    while (true) 
            data = ReceiveVarData(client.Client);
            ms = new MemoryStream(data);
            theImage.Image = Image.FromStream(ms);
        } catch {}

private static byte[] ReceiveVarData(Socket s) 
    int total = 0;
    int recv;
    byte[] datasize = new byte[4];

    recv = s.Receive(datasize, 0, 4, 0);
    int size = BitConverter.ToInt32(datasize, 0);
    int dataleft = size;
    byte[] data = new byte[size];

    while (total < size) 
        recv = s.Receive(data, total, dataleft, 0);
        if (recv == 0) break;
        total += recv;
        dataleft -= recv;
    return data;


It works fine as I said the first time, but than when I try to close the stream on the second form, close

private void Window_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)


and try reading again. I just get an error on this line

byte [] data = new byte [size];


Arithmetic operation overflowed

tried to print the value size

and it was something like -2522561418


of course i restart the thread again when i open the form

th= new Thread(new ThreadStart(startListening));



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1 answer

You cannot "re-read" data from a socket that has already been read. Why do you think this is possible? I don't understand what the thought is behind this.

Thread.Abort is evil and cannot be used. As long as your code contains a call to this method, your code is invalid and must be changed.


cannot interrupt IO. Cancellation can occur before or after the network read. I think this explains why sometimes "rereading" works because the data has not been read before.

You should probably have a thread running for the duration of the connection. This stream should read everything that comes in and put it into a data structure for later retrieval. For example, a Queue<Image>


In fact, I highly recommend that you remove all of this socket code and use WCF or HTTP. These protocols handle a lot of detail for you.



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