How to remove ticks in prespbox

Library (Plot3D) I am trying to plot a 3d plot with grid lines using the prespbox function and adding an additional figure plot based on some data using the surf3d function.

This is my code:


# added a comment

perspbox (x = seq(0.05, 0.5, length.out = nrow(M$x)), 
      y = seq(0.05, 0.5, length.out = ncol(M$y)), z, 
      bty = "u", 
      col.axis = "black", col.panel = "white", lwd.panel = 1,                     
      col.grid = "grey", lwd.grid = 1, las=1,
      phi = 40, theta = 40, col = NULL,ps=30,
      nticks=4, ticktype="detailed", xlab="\n\n h1", ylab="\n\n h2", zlab="\n\n Fund",
      colkey = TRUE,cex.axis=0.5, plot = TRUE)
surf3D(M$x, M$y, z, colvar = z, colkey = TRUE,add=TRUE)


My problem is that the tick lines on the axis are too long.

Do you have an idea how I can get rid of clicks? I want to keep the axis labels but remove the tick lines completely. I already tried tck-option but it doesn't seem to have any effect.

Thank you very much in advance.


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