How can I avoid $ scope. $ apply () in callback

Below code works fine. I'm just trying to figure out if there is a better way to write it so that I can avoid it $scope.$apply()

in my controller.

When the user clicks the button "Sign Up"

, the call goes to the controller and then to the service along with the callback method. In the service, I call Parse Cloud Code to create a user and call a Callback after receiving a response.

The problem is that I have to call $scope.$apply()

in the callback method to apply the changes to the vm.m.resp

range bound property .

Is it possible to run the entire registration process as a single transaction and avoid the callback?


Is there a way to avoid the call $scope.$apply()


This is how my user interface looks like:

<ion-view title="Sign Up">
  <ion-content class="has-header">
    <div class="list">
      <label class="item item-input">
        <span class="input-label">Username</span>
        <input type="text" ng-model="vm.m.username">
      <label class="item item-input">
        <span class="input-label">Password</span>
        <input type="password" ng-model="vm.m.password">
      <label class="item">
        <button class="button button-block button-positive" ng-click="vm.doSignUp()">Sign Up</button>
    <div class="list">
      <div class="bar bar-header bar-positive">
        <span ng-bind="vm.m.resp"></span>


This is what my controller looks like:

(function () {
    'use strict';

    angular.module('app').controller('UserAdminCtrl', ['$stateParams', '$scope', 'userAdminApi', UserAdminCtrl]);

    function UserAdminCtrl($stateParams, $scope, userAdminApi) {
        var vm = this;
        vm.m = {};
        vm.m.username = '';
        vm.m.password = '';
        vm.m.resp = '';

        function doSignUp() {

            userAdminApi.doSignup(vm.m, doSignUpCallback);
            vm.m.resp = 'Signing up. Please wait...';

        function doSignUpCallback(resp) {
            vm.m.resp = resp;
        vm.doSignUp = doSignUp;
        vm.doSignUpCallback = doSignUpCallback;


This is what my service looks like:

(function () {
    'use strict';

    angular.module('app').factory('userAdminApi', [userAdminApi]);

    function userAdminApi() {

        function doSignup(m,cb) {

  'createUser', {m}, {
                success: function (result) {
                error: function (error) {

        return {
            doSignup: doSignup



source to share

1 answer

You can use a promise to return to the digest loop:

(function () {
    'use strict';

    angular.module('app').factory('userAdminApi', ['$q', userAdminApi]);

    function userAdminApi($q) {

        function doSignup(m) {
            var deferred = $q.defer();
  'createUser', {m}, {
                success: function (result) {
                error: function (error) {
            return deferred.promise;

        return {
            doSignup: doSignup


This will give you a nice and clean callback.



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