Modular iOS8 app extensions through the framework

So, referring to this answer here, Apple recommends putting all of your code into a framework for you to test.

So my questions are built-in infrastructure or can you create a separate project and put all the extension code there?

My concern is that when creating an extension, it comes with an info.plist file and a permissions file, and I'm not sure where I should put them in relation to the framework and the like.

Also, once you've created a separate or embedded framework project, how do you set up the host for your test? mine is mainly interested in the fact that the host app is photography, but says that I need the actual storyboard for the download that comes from SLComposeServiceViewController

. So would you create an application delegation target that you can set as a host and then load MainInterface.storyboard

your extension to start testing?


So, I recently discovered the difference between application testing and logic testing. So, to update my question a bit, is there a way to test the application against your advanced interface? my guess would be to have the target point of the application and load the first view as a storyboard view of your extension.


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