MahApps.Metro community and progress

I would like to create logic with MahApps that looks like this:

ShowScreenCommand = new Command(async () =>
    var window = Application.Current.MainWindow as MetroWindow;
    if (await window.ShowMessageAsync("Are you sure to remove it?", "Removal", MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative) == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative)
        await removePatientTask();

private async Task removeTask()
    var window = Application.Current.MainWindow as MetroWindow;
    var controller = await window.ShowProgressAsync("Please wait...","Process message",false,new MetroDialogSettings());

    await Task.Delay(5000);
    await controller.CloseAsync();


The problem is there is a gap between the Message and Progress dialogs. One dialog is hidden, the second shows. It doesn't look great.

Is there a way to close this gap? I mean to replace one dialogue with another?


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1 answer

Try removing the method closing animation ShowMessageAsync


await window.ShowMessageAsync("Are you sure to remove it?", 
                              new MetroDialogSettings 
                                AnimateHide = false 


You may also need to remove the animation of the Progress reading, this is basically the same code, but replaced AnimateHide

with AnimateShow




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