AngularJS Scrollable Header Table Angular Directive

I am facing a problem with a fixed header table. I am using AngularJS fixed header scrollable table directive to build a fixed header table. After the search / filter term (field at the top of the page) has been entered and deleted -> all TR lines do not fill the hole page width (100%). Hint: TD width is static across pixel values

I put Plunker .

Directive code

 * AngularJS fixed header scrollable table directive
 * @author Jason Watmore <> (
 * @version 1.2.0
(function () {
        .module('anguFixedHeaderTable', [])
        .directive('fixedHeader', fixedHeader);

    fixedHeader.$inject = ['$timeout'];

    function fixedHeader($timeout) {
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            link: link

        function link($scope, $elem, $attrs, $ctrl) {
            var elem = $elem[0];

            // wait for data to load and then transform the table
            $scope.$watch(tableDataLoaded, function(isTableDataLoaded) {
                if (isTableDataLoaded) {

            function tableDataLoaded() {
                // first cell in the tbody exists when data is loaded but doesn't have a width
                // until after the table is transformed
                var firstCell = elem.querySelector('tbody tr:first-child td:first-child');
                return firstCell && !;

            function transformTable() {
                // reset display styles so column widths are correct when measured below
                angular.element(elem.querySelectorAll('thead, tbody, tfoot')).css('display', '');

                // wrap in $timeout to give table a chance to finish rendering
                $timeout(function () {
                    // set widths of columns
                    angular.forEach(elem.querySelectorAll('tr:first-child th'), function (thElem, i) {

                        var tdElems = elem.querySelector('tbody tr:first-child td:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ')');
                        var tfElems = elem.querySelector('tfoot tr:first-child td:nth-child(' + (i + 1) + ')');

                        var columnWidth = tdElems ? tdElems.offsetWidth : thElem.offsetWidth;
                        if (tdElems) {
                   = columnWidth + 'px';
                        if (thElem) {
                   = columnWidth + 'px';
                        if (tfElems) {
                   = columnWidth + 'px';

                    // set css styles on thead and tbody
                    angular.element(elem.querySelectorAll('thead, tfoot')).css('display', 'block');

                        'display': 'block',
                        'height': $attrs.tableHeight || 'inherit',
                        'overflow': 'auto'

                    // reduce width of last column by width of scrollbar
                    var tbody = elem.querySelector('tbody');
                    var scrollBarWidth = tbody.offsetWidth - tbody.clientWidth;
                    if (scrollBarWidth > 0) {
                        // for some reason trimming the width by 2px lines everything up better
                        scrollBarWidth -= 2;
                        var lastColumn = elem.querySelector('tbody tr:first-child td:last-child');
               = (lastColumn.offsetWidth - scrollBarWidth) + 'px';



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