How do I insert a simple authentication session into the adapter?

I have an adapter that requests a url using custom data. I need a way to get data from a simple authentication session to the adapter.

I tried to inject the session into the adapter Adapter

session: Ember.inject.service('session'),


But this throws an error

Error processing route: video.index Attempt to inject unknown injection: service:session

Error: Attempt to inject unknown injection:service:session


In the adapter, I can get user data through the container.


var container = this.get('container');
var currentUser = container.lookup('session:withCurrentUser');
console.log('currentUser ID', currentUser.get(''));


Is this the recommended way?


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1 answer

You will need first

session: Ember.inject.service(),


Ember knows from the variable name that you need a session service.

Anyway, I would recommend creating an initializer where you inject your session into the adapter.

App.inject('adapter', 'session', 'service:session');




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