Canvas image not showing in IE10 and below

I don't know what I'm doing wrong here, but apparently I somehow upset IE10. I have some FabricJS that looks simple enough. It works in everything except IE10 and below. Not sure why?

var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('imageCanvas', {
    backgroundColor: 'rgb(240,240,240)'

var imgElement = document.getElementById('imageSource');
var fabricImg = new fabric.Image(
    imgElement, {
        selectable: false,
        evented: false,
        hasControls: false,
        hasBorders: false



Screenshot from IE10 (left) and IE11 (right):

enter image description here

Demo (open in <IE11 to see the problem):

I've changed every option I could think of and looked at the FabricJS documentation for fabric.Image

, but I don't see where I could do anything to piss off IE. Pulling my hair out now!


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1 answer

The answer was a simple bit of CSS marked imageSource

as display:none

. It was helpful to load the image into a hidden element <img>

and then put it on the canvas, but instead I had to load the image via fabric.Image.fromURL


Very strange issue for IE10 which meant it <img>

was hidden, so was the image when it was placed on the canvas! Bizarre.



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