ArrayAdapter redesigned convertView combines my old layout with the new one (ANDROID <5)

I am developing for Android> = 4 with Android Studio. THIS ONLY ON ANDROID <5 (Pre Lolipop) . The Lolipop ArrayAdapter has the correct behavior.

There is no better explanation than some GIFS:

Android 5

Android 4

I have a custom ArrayAdapter where I ask questions. Each element has its own layout depending on its type:

  • Numeric Value: Label + Numeric EditText
  • Text value: shortcut + EditText multiple lines
  • Boolean value: label + checkbox

Each array adapter element inflates the same exact layout, overwriting getView (int position, View convertView, parent ViewGroup). I just show or hide the fields depending on the question type using setVisibility (true) or setVisibility (false).

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent){
    mView = convertView;
    if(mView == null){
        LayoutInflater mLayoutInflater;
        mLayoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(getContext());
        mView = mLayoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.item_liste_question,null);

    final Question mQuestion = getItem(position);
    if(mQuestion != null){

        TextView tvQuestion = (TextView) mView.findViewById(;
        EditText questionNombre = (EditText) mView.findViewById(;
        EditText questionTexte = (EditText) mView.findViewById(;
        CheckBox questionBool = (CheckBox) mView.findViewById(;


        else if(mQuestion.getTypeReponse().equals("Text")){
        else if(mQuestion.getTypeReponse().equals("Bool")){
    return mView;


But when I click on the EditText field, the keyboard appears, shrinking the screen size, forcing the ArrayAdapter to shoot elements that are off-screen. There is nothing wrong with this, but these views are being recycled and reused by mixing the old layout with the new one.

For example: I have 5 original questions:

  • Question1 - EditText (numeric)
  • Question2 - EditText (numeric)
  • Question3 - EditText (numeric)
  • Question4 - EditText (Multilines)
  • Question5 - Checkbox

I click on the first question and this is what I get:

  • Question1 - EditText (numeric) + strange ghost field
  • Question2 - EditText (numeric)
  • Question3 - EditText (numeric)
  • Question4 - EditText (Multilines)
  • (Question5 is an off-screen checkbox)

After a lot of testing, I realized that since the fifth question comes out of the screen when I try to edit the first, convertView will give me a reworked view of the fifth question. And even though I reformat it as I wish, I still have a mysterious ghost field that gets confused with my keyboard (not numeric, as I would like).

What can I do to have the same correct behavior on Android 5+ on Android <5?


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