Fsharp.Chart: data series labels in the StackedColumn table

I want to draw a regular glass chart with a legend showing what the colors mean, but what I get is a legend box showing a bunch of names of the form "Stacked_GenericChart_Series_1_4"

The standard way to create a chart (giving the constructor a 'a *' b seq seq) doesn't seem to have a way to set the series names, before or after the chart is created. On the other hand, the old fashioned way (explained at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/carlnol/archive/2011/10/27/fsharpchart-release-supporting-stacked-charts-version-0-60.aspx ), which would allow me to add a name to each chart, not "don't work with the current chart library at all, because the current one won't accept" a * "b seq.

I note that the source shows a constructor parameter called "Labels", but he commented.

There must be some way to set chart labels! Where should I be looking?


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