How to insert something into a form

With play 2.4.0 we can use the DI structure.

I am trying to use DI in my application. I have moved my jpa finders from static methods to model classes to service layer methods that I inject into my controllers.

My main problem is that I have some forms using the validate method and in my validation method I am using some search engines.

For example, in the login form, I use the "User.authenticate" method. Now that I've replaced this static method with a new one in my UserSvc, I want to inject my service into my form, but it doesn't work.

It seems that it is not possible to insert something into the form as I can solve my problem.

public class MyController {
    // Inject here can be used in controller methods but not in the form validate method
    @Inject UserSvc userSvc;
    public static class Login {
        // Inject here is not filled : NPE
        @Inject UserSvc userSvc;
        public String email;
        public String password;
        public String validate() {
            // How can I use userSvc here ?

    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
    public Result authenticate() {
        Form<Login> loginForm = form(Login.class).bindFromRequest();

        if (loginForm.hasErrors()) {
            return badRequest(login.render(loginForm));
        } else {
            return redirectConnected();



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1 answer

Play Framework

forms do not depend on injection and have different scope than userService

, so you cannot inject your dependencies into the login form by annotation. Try the following:

public String validate() {
    UserSvc userSvc = Play.application().injector().instanceOf(UserSvc.class);




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