If the value is not empty then insert mysql

I have a table in mysql like (id is primary key):

 id | name | age
 1 |  John | 46
 2 |       | 56
 3 | Jane  | 25 


Now I want to update the name only if it is empty. If the value is not empty, it should duplicate the new ID string, but it should update the name.

I thought it could be done with an if statement, but it won't work.

if((select `name` from `table1` where `id` = 3) = '',
update `table1` set `name`='ally' where `id` = 3, 
insert into `table1` (`id`,`name`,`age`) values 
(4, 'ally', select `age` from `table1` where `id` = 3))



With Spencer's answer, I made it work by using if in code. (However, I would still like to make only one mysql query).

cursor = db.cursor()

query = "select IF(CHAR_LENGTH(name)>0,1,0) from table1 where id = {0}".format(id)
val1 = cursor.fetchone()

if val1[0]:
    query = "INSERT INTO `table1` (`id`,`name`,`age`) SELECT {0},{1},`age` FROM `table1` WHERE `id` = {2}".format(new_id, name, id)
    query = "update `table1` set `name` = '{0}' where `id` = {1}".format(name, id)




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2 answers

If you do this:

select t.*, 
    EXISTS(select n.name from table1 n where n.id = 2 and NULLIF(n.name, '') is  null) , 
  ) from table1 t


if the statement returns "true" because there is a row in your table where id = 2 and the name is empty.

like this example, you can edit your query:

     EXISTS(select n.name from table1 n where n.id = 3 and NULLIF(n.name, '') is  null),
     update `table1` set `name`='ally' where `id` = 3, 
    insert into `table1` (`id`,`name`,`age`) values 
  (4, 'ally', select `age` from `table1` where `id` = 3)





is not a valid MySQL statement (outside the context of the MySQL stored program).

You will need two operators to perform this operation.

Assuming a null-length string and NULL are the conditions you think are "empty" ...

To try to update a field name

, you can do something like this:

UPDATE table1 t
   SET t.name = IF(CHAR_LENGTH(t.name)>0,t.name,'ally')
 WHERE t.id = 3 ;


The expression IF

tests if the current value of the column is not empty. If it is not empty, the expression returns the current value of the column, resulting in a "not updated" value. If the column is empty, the expression returns "ally".

And you'll need a separate statement to try INSERT:


This is wrong, not after a successful UPDATE

... existing line. Attempting an INSERT may need to be run first,

INSERT INTO table1 (id,name,age)
SELECT 4 AS id, 'ally' AS name, t.age
  FROM table1 t
 WHERE t.id = 3
   AND CHAR_LENGTH(t.name)>0;



We need a conditional test in the WHERE clause that prevents the row from being returned if we don't need to insert a row. We don't need to insert a row if the value is 'ally'



is a convenient test for a string that is not null and is not null. You can use a different test as you define "empty". Is one space in a column also "blank"?)



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