SQL syntax error when using python to import values โ€‹โ€‹into MySQL database

New to python and MySQL and I am teaching myself from the internet and books. I am trying to import values โ€‹โ€‹into a database table. I keep getting an error stating that the SQL syntax is not correct. Using Python 2.7.9 and MySQL Connector 5.6 on a Window 8 machine.

Here is the error I am getting:

Traceback (last call last): File "C: \ Users \ Oliver \ Desktop \ test.py", line 43, in cursor.execute (newitem, newdata) # executes a SQL statement to add a new item

File "C: \ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ mysql \ connector \ cursor.py", line 507,> executed by self._handle_result (self._connection.cmd_query (STMT))

File "C: \ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ mysql \ connector \ connection.py", line> 722, in cmd_query result = self._handle_result (self._send_cmd (ServerCmd.QUERY, query))

File "C: \ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ mysql \ connector \ connection.py", line> 640, in _handle_result raise errors.get_exception (package)

ProgrammingError: 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the> manual corresponding to your MySQL server version for the correct syntax to use next to "desc". VALUES ('5012583200796', 'test') 'on line 1

Here is the code I wrote;

# Add Stock bare bones
# Program that will add stock to the database

import mysql.connector

print "\t\tWelcome to the stock adding page\n"

selection = raw_input("Did you want to add stock or a new item? (Y,N)").lower()

while selection == "y":

    bcode = " " # Generate barcode variable

    while bcode == " ": # while barcode variable is empty
          bcode = raw_input("Please scan an object ") # ask for user to input barcode

    print "The barcode you scanned is", bcode

    cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='Blackops123!', # variable to connect to foody friend database

    cursor = cnx.cursor() # cursor to make changes to database

    query = ("SELECT barcode FROM stock_list " # query stock_list database tabelf ro barcode scanned in by user
         "WHERE barcode = %s")

    cursor.execute(query, (bcode,))# execute the query within the database

    result = cursor.fetchone() # fetch result from the query and assign variable

    if result == None: # If the barcode does not exist add a new item
        print "New item to database!\n"

        description = raw_input("Please describe product (45 character limit)") # user input for object description, limited to 45 chars as per database

        newitem = ("INSERT INTO stock_list " # SQL statement to add new item into the database with description
               "(barcode, desc) "
               "VALUES (%s,%s)")
        newdata = (bcode, description)

        cursor.execute(newitem, newdata) # executes SQL statement for adding new item

        cnx.commit() # accept addition of the new item
        print "Please scan item again as new item to add stock level" # as no stock level is added the user has to run around again. Will fix eventually

    selection = raw_input("Did you want to add stock or a new item? (Y,N)").lower()

print "returning to main menu"

end = raw_input("click something to end")


I tried to both set the values โ€‹โ€‹in a tuple and in a dictionary as suggested in the MySQL documentation, but left it the way it does when the values โ€‹โ€‹are taken as shown in the error. I've tried% s with and without single brackets to no avail.

Can anyone suggest where I might have gone wrong?


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1 answer


is a reserved word in SQL (it is used to determine the descending order in a sentence order by

). If you want to use it as a column name, you must escape it using `s:

newitem = ("INSERT INTO stock_list " # SQL statement to add new item into the database with description
           "(barcode, `desc`) "
           "VALUES (%s,%s)")
newdata = (bcode, description)


Or better yet, like the discussion in the comments - just rename the offending column to something that is not a reserved word, eg description




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