How do I split the string [String] into lines?

I am using UITextView

to add some values ​​to an array.

I would like to highlight text from UITextView

in separate elements if they have a newline ( \n

) or comma ( ,

) between them.

var values = self.textLabel.text.componentsSeparatedByString("\n")
for item in values {
    if item != "" {
        cellDataSet.insert([item, false], atIndex: 0)



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2 answers

If you want to split String

into multiple tokens usecomponentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(_:)


let text = "This is, some, text; With multiple | seperators"
let separators = NSCharacterSet(charactersInString: ",;|")
let values = text.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(separators)




You can use a globally available function split

to do the same.

let stringToSplit = "Words,Separated\nBy,Comma,Or\nNewline"
let outputArray = split(stringToSplit) {$0 == "," || $0 == "\n"}




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