Replacement for GWT

I built my application using GWT in 2012 and it works great so far when a significant functionality update is required.
I used GWT because my background was Java and was working on MVP type projects before that was good.

Any problem I run into today and do a google search has answers that are posted 2-3 years ago (and in many cases do not solve my own problems). This tells me that GWT is being left behind, Since I first created the application as a hobby to learn GWT, it seems to me that I would like to learn more recent frameworks when restoring my application. So to narrow it down, I want to know if there is any suitable GWT alternative that still allows me to code in Java.

I realize this may seem like a broad question in which the answers will be mostly opinion-based, but how else can you choose people's brains other than asking, "What do you think." How do I do a, b, c using Java, answer in 3 different ways by 3 different people based on their opinion on how this should be done.


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7 replies

Check OpenXava is easy to use.



I heard about Vaadin ( )

Vaadin is the coverage around GWT, which gives you more flexibility in how you work while at the same time supporting GWT as an experience.

Otherwise it is a good compilation, you can choose what you need:



As a longtime GWT user, I increasingly turn to AngularJS. Obviously we're talking about JavaScript, not Java, but coming from a Java background, I find JavaScript with AngularJS a decent alternative to GWT.




It is the "official" part of Java EE for Java Web Applications. I have used it briefly in the past and have been relatively happy with it. I really prefer it over other platforms that still rely on JSPs.



Cube Platform if you are looking for off-the-shelf components and Web Firm Framework if you are looking for a platform that can be used to build any UI component . Both are Java frameworks for building a web interface.



There is nothing wrong with GWT as such. Polyglot programming comes with real costs and a lot of work, for example, in the realm of gambling.

New users can use to get started, and modern UI kits exist like home

Since you still want to program in Java and want to learn something new, I would suggest using " modern GWT ", that is, using elemental2 / j2cl . You should consider learning how to refactor your application to decouple the presentation layer from the underlying structure of the user interface. Avoid parts that will disappear in GWT 3.0 like RequestFactory



I would recommend learning Swing or JavaFX.

Swing has been arround since Java 1.2 and more "mature". javaFX is their new version of "hip" and was introduced to the JDK in version 7.

Personally, I would like JavaFX to be the "future".



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