How to redirect to a new page (along with the model) on a JQuery ajax call in MVC3

I forgot the password where the user enters their username and clicks the "Check" button to check which group they are in. Based on the group, we need to display different partial views (for now, let's say it's a phone number) on the page. After filling in valid details on successful navigation to a new page where it will update its password, in case of failure I need to show an error message.

Now I'm having a hard time writing code for the highlighted.

Here is the code for the jquery ajax function that is triggered when the submit button is clicked

person = {UserName: $("#UserName").val(), Phone: $("#Phone").val() }
            type: 'POST',
            url: '@Url.Action("ForgotPassword", "Customer")',
            data: person,
            dataType: 'json',
            success: function (data) {
                //This is the place I need help
                  // redirect to new page passing the model object
                    //Show an error message without hiding the div
            failure: function () {                   


Here is an example of a controller action

    public ActionResult ForgotPassword(RegisterModel model)
        if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
            Here is the logic which validates the user
            return Json(new { regmodel = RegistrationModel })
    //If it is not ajax call I want to return the view
        if (isUsergroup1 == true)
            return View("View1", RegistrationModel );
        else if (isUsergroup2 == true)
            return View("View2", RegistrationModel );
            return View();



Please, help. thanks in advance


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2 answers

This is how we should do it. We cannot pass a model, we can only pass parameters in a link redirect. And we have to use link.replace as you can pass variables directly to Url.Action

person = {UserName: $("#UserName").val(), Phone: $("#Phone").val() }
        type: 'POST',
        url: '@Url.Action("ForgotPassword", "Customer")',
        data: person,
        dataType: 'json',
        success: function (data) {
            //This is the place I need help
              var link = "@Url.Action("Actionname", "Controllername", new { username = "1", phone ="2" })";
                   link = link.replace("1", data.username);
                   link = link.replace("2",;
                   window.location.href= link ;
                //Show an error message without hiding the div
        failure: function () {                   




To address the part of your question that is answered right now:

  // redirect to new page(
    //Show an error message without hiding the div


For redirection use window.location.replace('url to new page');


For the "error message" part, I would either use jQuery UI to display the dialog, or have a hidden div where you insert error messages, perhaps like this:



It assumes you have some kind of property called Errors

that contains the validation messages for RegistrationModel




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