Element Selection (Polymer 1.0)

I am working on porting to Polymer 1.0

Here's my template:

    <div class="scroll">
        <div class="content">
        <div class="bar barY"></div>


The content is filled with text in the main html file.

I need to get the scroll height of this div. I used to do:

height = $(this.shadowRoot).find('.content')[0].scrollHeight;


But this doesn't work anymore:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'scrollHeight' of undefined


I tried to add id to the div and select it like this:

height = this.$.content.scrollHeight;


But this gives me a value of 0, although there is a lot of text in the content.

I am calling this code from within a function ready


Am I choosing the right item?


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1 answer


does not actually contain the content of the component, rather it provides an insertion point for that content to be siblings in the element <content>

. To get the elements inserted for a given <content>

node, you can use the following:

var content = Polymer.dom(this.root).querySelector('content');
var distributed = Polymer.dom(content).getDistributedNodes()


Documentation for the above can be found at https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/devguide/local-dom.html#dom-api-examples along with a more complete example.



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