Where exactly is this object stored? (Swift)

Consider the following code:

class Foo


func foo() -> (Void -> Foo)
    var foo = Foo()
    return { foo }

var fooGen = foo()


Now when I call fooGen

I get my saved instance Foo

. But where exactly is it stored Foo

? Is it inside the stack? And if so, what kind of life is it?


source to share

1 answer

Both classes and closures are reference types.

var foo = Foo()


creates an object Foo

on the heap and stores a (strong) reference to that object in a local stack variable Foo


return { foo }


creates a closure that commits Foo

, so that the closure executes another (strong) reference to that object. On return from the function, the local variable Foo

is out of scope, leaving only one reference from the closure.

var fooGen = foo()


makes a fooGen

reference to the returned closure (which in turn is an object reference Foo


fooGen -> closure -> Foo object


Thus, the object Foo

exists if a link exists fooGen

(assuming no additional strong links are created).


class Foo
    deinit {

func foo() -> (Void -> Foo)
    var foo = Foo()
    return { foo }

if true {
    var fooGen = foo()





The object is destroyed when program control leaves the scope fooGen




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