How to tell if save was clicked in content editor or page editor in saveUI processor

I have a processor saveUI

and I only want to run my code if the user pressed the save button in the page editor. I tried to check the context like:



but it is always false. I am assuming the processor is not in the correct context.

How can I check where the click came from? Is the "sender" specified in the arguments somewhere?


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1 answer

You should be able to correctly define PageMode in Sitecore Context via

if (Sitecore.Context.PageMode.IsPageEditorEditing)


There are also options like

  • IsPageEditor
  • IsPageEditorDesigning
  • IsPageEditorClassic

If you look in the Sitecore.Context.PageMode namespace, you will see all the options available to you so that you can determine the mode you want.

I believe there were different properties for older Sitecore versions (maybe 6.5 and below).

I recommend looking at this post for more information - -part-3-detecting-page-mode.aspx



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