How to iterate over Hashie :: Mash?

I would like to skip the keys and values ​​of Hashie :: Mash.

Here's my attempt at doing it:

html = "Just look at these subscriptions!"
client.subscriptions.each do |sub|
  html << sub.each do |key, value|
      html << key.to_s
      html << " = "
      html << value.to_s


It returns the following error:

"Cannot convert Hashie :: Mash to String (Hashie :: Mash # to_str gives NilClass)"

I have tried sub.keys.to_s

and sub.values.to_s

who created ["key1", "key2", "key3"]

, ["value1", "value2", "value3"]

but I am looking for something that shows a couple who are the same, because they are in a hash, or the like [ "key1: value1", " key2: value2", "key3: value3"]. Is there a way to do this without compressing the individual arrays?



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1 answer


shows something similar to a hash. :) Then you can do whatever you can with the hash; as

html << sub.to_hash.to_s


or you could do what you are doing a little more Rubyish:

html << { |key, value| "#{key} = #{value}" }.join(", ")


However, your real problem is in html << sub.each ...

: each

returns a duplicate collection, so you do html << sub

; and it fails. Your code will work if you just remove html <<

from that line, since the concatenation is done inside the loop each




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