Request working days from calendar in CRM 2015

I have created a calendar (weekdays) for a resource (for example a tool). How can I get the list, or at least the ranges of business days, directly from the database?

All I have found so far are calendar and calendar views. The problem with CalendarRule is that the rule is written with a pattern like



I can't seem to find a way to use this in a SQL query.


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1 answer

Assuming weekdays mon

are fri

and your table calendar

is linked to a table resources

by calendar.workingdays = resources.daysworked

, unless it explicitly adjusts to fit them.

SELECT EXTRACT(dow FROM timestamp (to_timestamp(c.workingdays), "YYYY-MM-DD")), r.facility
FROM Calendar c
LEFT JOIN Resources r ON c.workingdays = r.daysworked
WHERE EXTRACT(dow FROM timestamp (to_timestamp(c.workingdays, "YYYY-MM-DD"))
NOT IN (0,6)




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