Python: exit to multiprocessing pool

I have to Parallelize a function that turns on a specific "output". This is just a simple copy of the entire program that I have to work on, but sums up the problems I am facing. Here I am trying to understand multiprocessing, apply_async and profitability for my project In this example, I used multiprocessing.pool and used apply_async to parallelize. I have put several print statements in a "parallel" function, but they don't print. When I return a yield with a refund, the seal approvals are reflected. I'm not sure about the nature of the crop. I know his generator and can only be used once after returning it. Please advise how to do this.

import multiprocessing as mp

def parallel(x, y, z):
    print "aim in parallel"
    for line in range(10000):
    print " result"
    print result
    print p
    if p > 0:
       return result
#      yield result, p
#      count += 1
#      yield p, result
#      count += 1

def collect_results(result):
   print "aim in callback"
   #print results

def apply_async_with_callback():
    pool    = mp.Pool(processes=10)
    r = range(10)
    [pool.apply_async(parallel, args=(2,5, 7),callback=collect_results) for i in r ]
    print "length"
    print len(results)
    print results

if __name__ == "__main__":



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1 answer

When a function containing a statement is called yield

, it doesn't actually run the code, but instead returns a generator:

>>> p = parallel(1, 2, 3)
>>> p
<generator object parallel at 0x7fde9c1daf00>


Then, when the next value is required, the code will run until the value is received:

>>> next(p)
([10000], 6)
>>> next(p)
(6, [10000])


In your case, results

contains 10 generators that were created asynchronously, but they were never executed.

If you want to use a generator, you can slightly modify your code for the target function that creates a list from the generator:

def parallel2(x, y, z):
    return list(parallel(x, y, z))

def collect_results(lst):

def apply_async_with_callback():
    pool = mp.Pool()
    for _ in range(10):
        pool.apply_async(parallel2, args=(2, 5, 7),




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